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  • -3 score
    7 voters

    Prayer room

      Is there a Prayer Room in the Lanarkshire Campus? Shouldn't there be one if there's none?

      Why you think it is important

      Important for religious people to practice or even students to relax/overcome stress...

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      If there is one it should be shown or advised to new students!
    Sabina Lawrie
    12:05pm on 7 Nov 19 Hello! There are prayer/multifaith rooms at each of the Scottish Campuses and they can be found here: Ayr – Room 2.069 on Level 2 Dumfries – Room 2087 in Dumfries and Galloway College Lanarkshire – Room 1.0.13 Paisley – Room F109 I hope this helps! Sabina (Student Representation Coordinator)
    Gordon Lawrie
    4:27pm on 13 Nov 19 If you're looking for the room at the Lanarkshire campus it can be accessed either via the gym just passed the free weights or through the Student's Association space. Can I suggest amending the policy to something along the lines of "The multifaith room at the Lanarkshire campus is not very obvious. The Student's Association should call on the University to improve the signage and ensure that students know where it is."