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    A Holistic Approach to Care Experienced Students No Matter Their Age (Policy Lapse)

      Conference Notes -Only 4% of Care Experienced school leavers go on to university. Care experienced college students are significantly less likely to complete their course than their peers. Many students are forced to curtail studies not because of ability but due to financial circumstances. -For a student to be classified as Care Experienced they must self-declare, meaning there are potentially many students who do not realise they are Care Experienced or the support they are therefore entitled to. -The Scottish Government has introduced additional bursary support for Care Experienced students, but that this is only available to students up to the age of 26. -The Scottish Funding Council and partners in the sector have set a national ambition to achieve parity in outcomes for Care Experienced school-leavers and their peers by 2021. Conference Believes -That extra support is required to ensure that Care Experienced students can cope with their studies, and ensure that all are able to complete them. -That it is the responsibility of institutions to ensure that their students are aware of all the support that is available. Expecting people to find it for themselves is not working. -That the impact of care-experience does not have an age-limit. Conference Resolves -To encourage all universities and colleges to establish peer support groups for Care Experienced students. -To call for a proactive, year-round approach to informing students of the support available to them. This should include support outwith term-time. -To call for a holistic and institutional-wide approach to widening access and support for care experienced individuals that ensures continuity of support -To lobby the Scottish Government and the SFC to make sure this approach is embedded in Outcome Agreements. -To campaign and lobby the Scottish Government to extend support to all Care Experienced students, no matter their age.

      Why you think it is important

      Only 4% of Care Experienced school leavers go on to university. Care experienced college students are significantly less likely to complete their course than their peers. Many students are forced to curtail studies, not because of ability but due to financial circumstances. Hence extra support is required to ensure that Care Experienced students can cope with their studies, and ensure that all are able to complete them.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      Passed March 2019

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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