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    Notice Boards at the Lanarkshire Campus (Policy Lapse)

      Self-explanatory - notice boards at Lanarkshire campus, so people can know what is going on. Footprints leading to the union (and the hub!) would also be great, but less likely to happen

      Why you think it is important

      I'm an intern with SAUWS, and thoroughly enjoy going around talking to other students and getting their views. Due to an inability to stand around doing nothing, this regularly takes me outside the union (which gets a decent turn, but same faces most days), and it's horrifying hearing from people that don't even know that there is a union! We have notices up in the union for upcoming events, but if you aren't in the union, you aren't going to see them. There are two big glass boards in the street, but one of those is completely blocked off by seating. I believe there would be more interaction from students, if there were notice boards where leaflets about upcoming events, societies etc etc could be pinned (not even just SAUWS items, although that would be my priority)

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      I get that it's a shiny new campus and they don't want the walls destroyed so soon. And (unlike many!) I love the new campus, but notice boards would mean flyers have to be pinned to them, and not just freely on any wall space available, so the walls wouldn't get trashed. Only 12% of the votes cast in the recent elections came from Lanarkshire. I was there on the last afternoon, and still spoke to a lot of people who had no clue the elections were on. This demonstrates perfectly the lack of reach we are getting to students on campus. The big screens in The Street would be great, but they are not utilised correctly (possibly another issue to be addressed?), with very little information being put out on them - they could easily serve as one giant notice board

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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