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Policy Idea

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    Policy Lapse - How much time do we have left? I don't know and at this point I'm too afraid to ask..

      It's exam season at UWS but after due to lack of funds for the upkeep of rooms many students will sit their exams in deteriorating university rooms. These rooms may have damage, a lack of seating, damaged or a lack of pc and sound but also many rooms lack clocks to tell the time. SAUWS sabbaticals should identify university cost of the upkeep of rooms and bring this information back to student council to debate this further and fight for higher level of funding to maintain existing spaces. SAUWS should ensure that it is an exam condition requirement to have a clock in the room to allow participants to add the time.

      Why you think it is important

      Although the University has put in a lot of money in recreating new university spaces and campuses, staff have claimed that funds for existing spaces such as lecture or seminar rooms is low and we should look to see what the current levels of funding are, how they differ from different years and different institutions. In addition to this most devices aren't allowed in exam spaces including certain watches such as electronic watches. Producing the money to display clocks to be available in exam spaces would be a tiny cost to UWS, lowers the chances of disruption in exam spaces and would help student stress.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      Passed Feb 2019

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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