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Policy Idea

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  • 2 score
    2 voters

    Campuses should be better prepared for students with hearing impairments

      According to Hearing Link, hearing loss is the second most common disability in the UK, affecting 11 million people and 1 in 6 UK adults. 4.4 million of those are working age adults according to the British Academy of Audiology. 2 million people in the UK use hearing aids to help them deal with hearing loss. Hearing loops are sound systems designed to be used in conjunction with hearing aids to provide equal access to people with hearing loss. In a lecture room equipped with a hearing loop, the lecturer’s voice is picked up by a microphone and sent by a magnetic wireless signal directly to compatible hearing aids. Hearing loops improve the experience of those wearing hearing aids by cutting down on background noise, giving them more immediate access to the content they want to hear without having to use headsets or other extra equipment. The ‘loop’ part of the hearing loop system is an aerial cable that must be installed in the room where the wireless signal is needed. As of right now, only the main lecture halls have a loop system in place for those students who require it. However, many classes are taking place in rooms that do not have one available. I personally wear two hearing aids and find it incredibly difficult when I’m in person as these amplify every noise whereas with a loop system this would be greatly minimised. A loop system should be made available in every room. The VP Welfare & Wellbeing and the VP Education should begin a discussion with the university about making all classrooms accessible to students with hearing loss, involving Disability Services, IT, and Estates as necessary. They should advocate for disabled students in committees such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. They should work collaboratively with UWS staff to overcome potential obstacles to hearing loop installation in places where lectures, meetings, and classes take place.

      Why you think it is important

      The Equality Act 2010 requires that reasonable adjustments are made by public sector organisations so those with disabilities have equal access to services. These adjustments may include changes made to buildings as well as changes in policies or procedures. Hearing loops are considered a reasonable adjustment for those with hearing loss. As we can’t say we are an inclusive campus when certain students struggle attending in person due to their disability. Students may avoid attending in person as they don’t want to cause any issues, or because they find being in person too difficult.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      Sources and additional information:

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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