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Passed Policies and Progress

Find out what Students' Union policies have been passed by students, and more importantly, what is being done about them.

Here you can find a list of all the policies which have been passed by student council. We're working on a live tracker so you can check the progress of each policy, but until we've got that up and running please contact your student president team to ask for an update on policies. You can also check out current ideas and rejected ideas.

Policy Idea

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  • 4 score
    4 voters

    Improve support for students' mental health

      The Union should work with the University, NUS Scotland, NHS, and other relevant partners towards the recommendations made by the Thriving Learners Survey.

      Why you think it is important

      This is the biggest piece of research in this area that has ever been conducted. The recommendations are far reaching and will need everyone working together to make progress on them.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      The survey showed that low wellbeing and mental health issues are disproportionally prevalent in the university population in Scotland. This is only the latest piece of research that shows that students experience of mental health issues needs specific attention.

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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