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    2 voters

    COP26: The World Will Be Watching Us

      In November 2021, Glasgow will host the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, and as such the whole world will be watching Glasgow with a keen eye. As a university with campuses in the Greater Glasgow area, we have a responsibility to set the standard for a responsible students' union who takes the climate emergency seriously. The National Union of Students, of which UWS Students' Union is a member, is a member of the COP26 Coalition and NUS Scotland passed a Climate Emergency policy at the recent conference. UWS Students' Union should aim to play an active role in fighting for climate justice and will work with NUS Scotland to ensure their policy is implemented at UWS. UWS Students' Union should work with our students, including through student groups and societies, to raise awareness of both the COP26 conference and of the climate emergency, and to encourage students at UWS to take part in the conference (such as by visiting the Green Zone). UWS Students' Union takes the position that the climate emergency is due to the greed and inaction of corporations and governments, rather than individuals. The Board of Trustees should consider the Union's impact on the climate at all times when making decisions, particularly when working with or promoting other organisations who are yet to divest from the fossil fuel industry.

      Why you think it is important

      Studies have shown that we have just nine years left before the impacts of the climate emergency become irreversible. Students and young people have been leading the charge, protesting the inaction by the world's governments. In November, the leaders of these governments will be just 5.5 miles from the Students' Union in Paisley. This is a phenomenal, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students to get involved with one of the most important conferences Scotland has ever seen, and as a student organisation, we have a responsibility to lead the charge and fight to save our planet.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?
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