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Policy Idea

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  • 6 score
    6 voters

    A little extra support for new students

      During the past year we have become more reliant on our own computers and working from home has been a challenge for many of us. For existing students in 2nd year upwards, we have good knowledge of how UWS Moodle and now Aula works as we have been using it already through our studies. However, those students who have started in 1st year and for any direct entry student accessing the university system has left many confused. I am aware that there is information on Banner about technology skills and IT support, but these require students to know where to look for the information. I propose that UWS put together some short videos that show students how to log into UWS Banner, how to access the library, how to log into Microsoft Teams (my course although having used Teams for over 9 months now still get confused with how this works), and any other information that they may need to be able to access to allow them to be able to find things that they need to help through their time studying at UWS.

      Why you think it is important

      I recently had a conversation with a first-year student who had be unable to access Cite them right through the library as they had no idea how to do so, this is concerning as they were 7 months into their studies. I have also been working with a direct entry 2nd year student who has been so confused with how to access basic things such as the library and I have spent the time showing them what to do. It makes me concerned that there are other students out there who may be struggling but too afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. In putting short video clips together and having them in a prominent place on Banner or sent via email to any new student would greatly help.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      I know that there are ways to find out this information already such as contacting the HUB but this could be avoided if students are given this basic information from the beginning.
    Karuna Rinck
    8:52pm on 26 Apr 21 I would actually go further to say that induction is very poor at UWS and we need to do more to integrate students from the beginning - more than just videos or an online space. A thorough university tour set up by the union in collaboration with student reps in their recurring year (so those in the same course can get tips that are course specific) into different aspects of uni and vital resources and to make these sessions apart of the university induction week for all students. I have always thought that induction is done very poorly. There is an opportunity for the union to get more involved with the uni to create that uni ‘pride’ and sense of community for all students. I fully endorse more support being made available to new students to better integrate them!
    Sarah Anderson
    8:21am on 27 Apr 21 I've offered to go to inductions, particularly for social work courses as thats my course, but for any classes as my role of joint school officer. I think both your and Karuna's feelings are incredibly accurate. As a first year student I know a large majority of my class have only got through with the IT and platforms as i'm a returning student and organised further help. It shouldnt be down to reps to organnise this.