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Here you can find a list of all the policies which have been passed by student council. We're working on a live tracker so you can check the progress of each policy, but until we've got that up and running please contact your student president team to ask for an update on policies. You can also check out current ideas and rejected ideas.

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  • 13 score
    17 voters

    Student Strike (2)

      Ballot the Students for a Student Strike

      Why you think it is important

      Throughout the year we have faced not only a pandemic but the repeated rejection of student petitions and calls for action. - Calls for a no detriment policy were ignored - A petition for scrapping graduation fees was ignored - A petition for a physical graduation (when it is safe to do so) was ignored - A call for the statue of slave-owner John Witherspoon to be removed resulted in vague assurances about anti-racism and NO action Despite negative press coverage and political pressure the University of the West of Scotland has continued to ignored the cries of the students. This policy calls for the Students' Union to ballot students on strike action.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      If the University won't listen to us through the lobbying of the Union, petitions, and the press then we should explore how we escalate our actions to ensure our voices are heard.
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