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Policy Idea

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  • 24 score
    24 voters

    Accessible resources

      This policy asks for SAUWS to petition that lecturers ensure reading lists are available in electronic form to assist with accessibility and ease of obtaining. It is clear that not all required reading is available in electronic forms currently. This relates primarily to journals and ebooks though with extended Covid measures is also applicable to physical books.

      Why you think it is important

      There are 2 main areas of importance to this policy. 1. Through discussions with other students it is clear that the number of materials which we do not have access to is stark. We are aware that the Library is in the process of working to expand their resources however we would ask that SAUWS ensures that lecturers check whether students have access to materials before making it required reading. This is worsened when we do not have access to libraries though from discussions with students in higher years it does not appear to be Covid specific. Further compounded when lecturers are asking us to go to materials not available to our year group as they are lifting from previous years. 2. Having reading in electronic forms will not only ensure that all students can access the materials but will benefit disabled students who can use text readers and other methods to access the reading

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      Covid is proving to be a particularly difficult time for all students and having to take time to hunt down materials is exasperating the situation. This policy is not covid specific however as accessibility should always be top concern for lecturers especially given the demands over time many of our students have with working, caring and parenting responsibilities.
    Hannah Eaton
    4:52pm on 7 Jan 21 The Accessibility to Education UWS society approves of this policy and encourages student representatives to vote in favour of it.
    Clare Hunter
    6:30pm on 7 Jan 21 Most reading lists would have been available through pmsd, my understanding is that this website/ resource is in the process of being updated by UWS. Which may or may not have an impact on what is then made available for students.
    Sarah Anderson
    11am on 9 Jan 21 Unfortunately many students, particularly but not limited to, first year students have found that many journals, ebooks and previously uploaded materials are not available to us for 2 main reasons. 1. The library states journals are available but when you go to the journal we are locked out. The library is working on this but it is worth noting until it is rectified, 2. Materials were uploaded to moodle prior to Aula being used and as such we do not have access to materials which lecturers believe we can use. This has sadly resulted in students being accused of not engaging with the course as they have not read the materials or spending a great deal of time tracking down materials from other places. Students have time demands and limitations. This policy aims to ensure that the wider issue is rectified. If is not a covid specific issue however there is no doubt covid has exasperated the issue.
    Ellie Gomersall
    7:11pm on 17 Jan 21 The UWS Greens have voted to support this policy and would like to encourage student reps to vote in favour of it.
    Sarah Anderson
    11:12am on 19 Jan 21 Thanks so much Ellie! I'm hoping it'll pass by majority as cant see any reason it'd be controversial. I hope!