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Policy Idea

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  • 14 score
    16 voters

    Supporting Student Tenants During COVID-19

      The Students' Union must monitor and lobby the university to ensure the fair treatment of students living in university-ran student accommodation, including (but not limited to): refunding rent paid for any period in which students were advised not to return to university by either the government or the university itself during the phased return of students in January 2021; ensuring that students who have already signed a contract but whose situation has changed due to COVID-19 are able to terminate their contracts early, and; ensuring that the university follows the rules under the current Scottish Government eviction ban for the full duration of any lockdown, even if this is not extended by the government itself.

      Why you think it is important

      It is entirely unfair that students should be charged rent by the university during a period in which the university itself is explicitly informing them not to attend campus. This must therefore be refunded for any period in which this is the case. Students are particularly vulnerable, and UWS students even more-so due to our high rate of students from economically deprived backgrounds. It is essential that these students are protected during the lockdown to ensure that no student is financially impacted, or made homeless, during a global pandemic.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      The following pages and articles provide supplementary information and advice on the topics and issues raised in this policy. UWS UNION ADVICE ON HALLS OF RESIDENCES: YOUR RIGHTS IN STUDENT ACCOMMODATION: SCOTGOV EVICTION BAN:
    Ellie Gomersall
    7:09pm on 17 Jan 21 The UWS Greens have voted to support this policy and would like to encourage student reps to vote in favour of it.