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New Policy Ideas

If you've got an idea to make UWS better for students, why not submit it as a student union policy idea?

So there's something you want to change at UWS, and you have an idea for a Students' Union policy - that's great! The guidance on this page will help you to develop a great policy, submit your policy, and make sure it is passed at the next student council meeting.

Developing your policy

To develop your policy, you'll need to be able to answer these three key questions:

Submitting your policy

Please note: due to ongoing recovery from the cyberattack, online policy systems are not available. If you have a policy idea please email it to with the subject line 'Student Council Policy Idea'.

Policy ideas need to be submitted at least 2 weeks prior the Student Council meeting, any policies submitted after this deadline will go to the following Student Council meeting. Policy ideas are also discussed in order of popularity and when our online systems are up and running again, students will be able to 'upvote' or 'downvote' to make sure the issues of most interest to students are always heard first. So if you submit a Policy idea, encourage your fellow students to come online and 'upvote' it!

Getting your policy passed

At Student Council, you'll be invited to speak about your idea and encourage Council Members (who are Student Reps) to vote in favour of it. Members are also given the opportunity speak or vote against a policy idea if they feel it is not in the best interests of students or if it is not a priority at the time. Student Council will take into account how popular a policy has been on the website so do talk to your fellow students and get those upvotes in once our online systems are up and running again!

To ensure everyone gets a fair and equal chance to put forward their views on the policy idea, we have a Union Chair who facilitates the discussions and ensures a balanced debate. The Union Chair is a neutral position so they will make sure that discussion is free and fair.