Hey there {firstname}. We've got an update for you.


Your Union News!

Get to meet dogs, make us cry, and more!

Your official UWS Union student email

Show your appreciation for the best of UWS

Every year we host a Big Awards Ceremony night where we recognise the staff and students who make your experience the best it can be. So if you have a star lecturer or support staff member, an awesome course rep or volunteer, or are part of the best society at UWS - let us know now!

Send in your nominations before the 14th of March and see if yours will be one of the ones that is so nice it makes us cry! 

Your official UWS Union student email

Stressed? There's dogs who can help

Finally! The dogs are back on campus - we're once again hosting our popular paws against stress events at Paisley, Lanarkshire, and Ayr (and we'd love to hear from you if you know any organisations who can facilitate similar events in London and Dumfries!) 

Find out when we're on your campus and come along for lots of doggy cuddles!

Your official UWS Union student email

Yes or No? You campaign!

In this referendum, you are being asked the following question: 

"Should the Students’ Union introduce four part-time paid student officer roles to replace the full-time Vice-President Student Development and Vice-President Welfare and Wellbeing"

The Union has prepared a neutral guide to the referendum, which you can find here

If you would like to be part of the "Yes" or "No" campaigns in the referendum, please come along to the info session at 3pm on Tuesday 4th March, and you can find more information about the referendum below. 

Your official UWS Union student email

Tell us your thoughts and win in more ways than one!

We’ve had some amazing wins from previous surveys, including:

  • Free tea and coffee at Ayr, Lanarkshire, London, and Paisley campuses
  • Microwaves on campus to heat up your lunch
  • Restructured societies to create programme-specific groups that make it easier to meet new people
  • Balanced staffing with Union staff rotating across all five campuses
  • Ending system restrictions for students with outstanding balances
  • Localised training opportunities for reps

This year, we’re digging deeper with questions that cover your priorities, the impact of the cost of living, and how you feel on campus. This is your chance to help us fight for further improvements at UWS, so your voice is truly heard.

The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete, and to say thanks, you’ll have the chance to win one of five £100 high street shopping vouchers. Plus, by sharing your thoughts, you'll help make UWS a better place for everyone!

Take part, share your views, and let’s make sure your university experience is the best it can be. The Survey will be open until mid March and we will send reminders out each week to all students who have not completed the survey. 

Click on this link to get started: https://online1.snapsurveys.com/upqcc3