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Your Students' Union Advice Service is open to all UWS students, offering free, independent, impartial advice to help you when you most need it.
Two people sat at a laptop talking to each other

Welcome to UWS Union’s Advice Hub, where you can find helpful information on a range of topics to help support you whilst you study at UWS. We provide a free, impartial advice service to all students at UWS.

Contact us

We offer help and support across a range of different areas, and even bring dogs onto campus for you to meet as part of our Paws Against Stress events. Email us on the address below to contact our advice workers, or explore all the areas of support we can offer you.

Meet the Advisers


     Barbara Robertson             Katie O'Gorman

Working Hours

The Advice Service is open between 9.30am and 16.30pm Monday to Friday. We offer online, telephone and in person appointments (subject to availability).   In person appointments and are available in Ayr, Lanarkshire and Paisley on the following days / times subject to availability:

Ayr: Tuesday 10am – 3pm

Lanarkshire: Monday & Tuesday 10am – 3pm

Paisley: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10am – 3pm

Online & Telephone appointments are available Monday to Friday: 10am – 4pm, subject to availability.

The fun stuff

In addition to providing support and guidance for students on various issues, the Advice Service also works to improve your wellbeing. As part of this we support and deliver a number of events throughout the year for students to enjoy. These include: 

Paws Against Stress

Each Trimester, the Advice Team in partnership with Canine Concern Scotland host our paws against stress events in Ayr, Lanarkshire and Paisley. These events see various therapet dogs and their handlers come to the Union for a series of twenty minutes session where you can play and pet with the dogs that come in. Places are limited for the event, so you should get to them early to avoid disappointment. You can find more information on the events in our Whats On page.

UWS Money Week

Each February the Advice Team at the Union and the Funding and Advice Team at UWS host a series of events in each campus which are designed to help students budget and make the most of their funding. There is lots to do at these events and quite a few freebies that are given away. You will be able to find more information about Money Week in our Whats On page.